
Parenting, Motherhood, Childbirth & Everything In Between

Miscarriage Protocol

Miscarriage Protocol

A miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is when a pregnancy ends before the woman is 6 months pregnant, while the baby is still too small to live outside the mother. Sometimes it can happen before the woman even knows she is pregnant. Causes FibroidsSexual relations...

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Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts result in estrogen over-production. They can be painless or cause sudden, sharp severe pain, and pain during sexual intercourse. As a result of various factors, you have a failed or disordered ovulation it can and most often results in ovarian cysts. The...

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Children Are Like Trees

Children Are Like Trees

Trees come from seeds and when very young, they are subject to being eaten, stepped upon or bruised. They need nourishment and an environment where they can grow straight and get plenty of sunlight and water. If there are too many growing together, they cannot get...

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Motherhood… A Career?

Motherhood… A Career?

Calling all moms! Now that I have your attention, how many of you have chosen or desire MOTHERHOOD as a career? The definition of career is: an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one’s lifework: a person’s progress or...

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Baby Manual

Baby Manual

B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) Did You Know? It is assumed that people know certain things based on their education or status. Yet, that is not always the case.  To make a point, we’d like to test your “knowledge” with the following: Did you...

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