Being a midwife comes almost naturally to me. Give me a laboring woman and I come to life. It is a profession and a calling that both leans upon my faith of Jesus and strengthens it. I see birth as a beautiful, God-given experience and a woman’s work.

A question I am always asked, “What is the difference between a doula and midwife?” My response, “There are many differences.”

The term doula comes from the ancient Greek word ‘doule’ meaning “a woman who serves.” The doula profession was coined and started by DONA International. They describe the position as “a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.” Although this description highlights services performed, there are policies and practices that go against the TRUTH. For example, males can become doulas, mothers are encouraged to ingest or eat their placenta after birth, and they support LGBTQ practices.. just to name a few.

Of course, these characteristics do not line up with a “Thus saith the Lord.” Please know that we are not here to condemn or speak harsh words against any organization. There are precious and honest souls who are sincerely serving and are not aware of God’s will or laws. It is our prayer that they will be exposed to the great light — Jesus — and advance to the acceptance of all truth, therefore, becoming a worker with God. Should you want to learn more about the organization that started doula work, I encourage you to do research for yourself.

As a usurper of God’s plan, the enemy attempts to control, what God has approved by binding those on his side. He does this through trade unions and confederacies, such as the following:

AMA—American Medical Association, NARM — North American Registry of Midwives, etc. Then he encourages laws to be passed favoring his confederates against those who stand distinct — God’s peculiar people.

As Christ workers, we are not to imitate, join or follow in with methods that are not ordained by God. The work God has given his chosen women is the office of midwives. The great counterfeiter (Satan) will always strive to point workers to his kingdom as stated in the following quote:

“No confederacies are to be formed among our own people after the manner and customs of the world. I was shown especially the dangers in doing this. The world is not to be our criterion. Let the Lord work. Let the Lord’s voice be heard. We are to bear a clear-cut message to the world. We are not to heed the counsels to follow the plans which will be suggested to make less prominent the special truths which are of vital interest, special truths which are of vital interest, which have separated us out from the world and made us what we are.”

E.G. White, Miscellaneous Collections, 1888, 926

In the world’s eyes, a piece of paper and license supposedly makes a person qualified and legal. In God’s eyes, “He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” So, why settle for an inferior position when you can be involved in a larger work as a midwife. God provides an “Heaven Approved” designation to this gospel midwife work making it lawful and legal for them to do His work. God’s ways never changes. He is “..the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8).

If you prepare yourself for ministry, God will bring opportunities to you. Hence, the importance of the work determines the importance of the preparation! More importantly, the adaptation to the Lord’s work is more than just tools and techniques — it is a heart work. It is about personal preparation. It is ABOUT DETERMINING TO BE USEABLE. It’s about giving yourself to God, and His work. This is the kind of woman God is seeking. Read II Chronicles 16:9. God puts within her that which makes her truly successful.

The basics of midwifery care will never change. Women and families will always need compassionate and respectful care before, during, and after birth. And because midwives always benefit from learning more, we hope that our Maternal Gospel Handbook will help God’s midwives everywhere learn new and lifesaving skills, and apply those skills for the good of the women, babies, and families they serve.

To sum it up, we used the acronym M.I.D.W.I.F.E. to depict the true model of midwifery as follows:

M ust surrender daily to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

I mplement the gospel in all your work.

D edicate your life, time and means. Be ready to go where duty calls; to deny self; to sacrifice for the cause.

W ork two-by-two with the Great Physician in restoring physical, mental and spiritual health.

I nstruct according to how to exhibit gratitude by utilizing talents acquired from God.

F reely give of your talents as you have freely received.

E ducate according to the law and the testimony.

It is not the EXTERNAL tools which the midwives possess which makes them effective…but the INTERNAL tools (heart and spirit) which heaven approves.

“While I’m serving others as CHRIST would have me do, please help me to remember that I’m truly serving YOU!”

Midwife Testament

Having a baby? Take the guesswork out of finding an OB/GYN. Instead, choose a “midwife” who works for the “Heavenly Midwife!” Psalms 71:5-6 says “For thou art my hope, O Lord God; thou art my trust from youth. By thee have I been holden up from the womb; thou art hethat took me out of my mother’s bowel’s; my praise shall be continually of thee.” He is the Head, the midwife is a co-laborer.