
Parenting, Motherhood, Childbirth & Everything In Between



"History is a mirror that allows us to see future events." CESAREAN, a. The Cesarean operation is the taking of a child from the womb by cutting; an operation, which, it is said, gave name to Caesar, the Roman emperor. Caesar, n. Used as a title and form of address...

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The Big Coverup

The Big Coverup

It‘s time to uncover an area of a woman‘s life that few consider a problem. That is DRESS: a woman‘s secret weapon! Aiming at the breasts, we will expose the under and outer garments, beauty and hygienic products, and show how women daily pull the trigger on their...

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Parenthood Training

Parenthood Training

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.  Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath...

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The Divine Purpose of Marriage

The Divine Purpose of Marriage

As never before, today's world is plagued with broken marriages blighting the lives of parents and children, and bringing confusion, suffering, broken health, and disillusionment to so many. The divorce rate is the highest it has ever been and is steadily rising. All...

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The Model Child

The Model Child

In the wonderful work of training our children, it is not given parents to set the standard for acceptable behavior even though it is critically important that an ideal be revealed and its attainment diligently sought.  If God had left each parent to determine these...

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Positions for Laboring Women

Positions for Laboring Women

Sitting Positions Kneeling Positions Labor day is coming! Not the holiday but the event after 9 months of pregnancy. Labor and childbirth is one anticipated event that happens “in its own timing,” (minus human interventions). Where is the strength and power of a woman...

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The Eight Birthing Laws

The Eight Birthing Laws

Divine Help“Thou art He that took me out of my mother’s bowel ” Psalms 71:6Exercise“Nevertheless I must walk today, & tomorrow, & the day following” Luke 13:33Lots of Water“Thou shalt drink also water by measure” Ezekiel 4:11Inhale Lots of Air“The breath of...

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The Prenatal Period

The Prenatal Period

Without any question, the prenatal period is the most important, the most formative, the most easily managed period in a person's entire life. It is during this period of time that all the foundations are laid, the basic habit patterns formed, and the direction the...

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Diapering: Change is Good

Diapering: Change is Good

Looking for simple, straight forward information about diapering?  Take cover! The thought of getting up close and personal with the  baby’s bodily function is, well can be pretty icky. Yet, a wet or soiled  diaper can spark a crying spell from your baby. The simple...

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P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T.  health laws are  a compilation of all the general principles essential to the pregnant woman’s mental, physical and spiritual health, not just for her sake, but for that of her baby. Each law of health contains simple instructions and...

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